Thursday, February 23, 2012

Awesome Strength and Conditioning combo today!! Check it. Joining us for the CrossFit Open?  See our validation times and info here.  Also, remember to always check our Announcement page for updates! We have an opportunity for discount Progenex recovery protein available.

THURSDAY Strength [wmv] Shoulder Press 2 sets of 3 [wmv][mov] Push Press 2 sets of 3 [wmv][mov] Push Jerk 2 sets of 3 [wmv][mov]

Conditioning Max reps per exercise: 5 min. of Turkish Get-ups (#55/35) 4 min. of Ball Slams (#20/15) 3 min. of Push-up Plank to Elbow Planks 2 min. of Push Press (#95/65) 1 min. of Hollow Rocks 30 sec. of Sit-ups

Nutrition Challenge Starts TODAY! Join the change.

Push Press Explanation, Coach Glassman