Saturday, March 3, 2012

Normal class hour: 10am. CrossFit Open validation times: 9am, 11am. Info here.

SATURDAY Mobility Prep Work

Open WOD 12.2 Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs) 30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs) 30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs) Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)

This workout begins from the standing position. The athlete will complete all reps at the first weight before advancing to the next weight. Score is total reps completed in 10 minutes.

Validation at 9am and 11am.

10am Class 8 Rounds Of: 40 Seconds, Air Squats 20 Seconds Rest 40 Seconds, Double Unders 20 Seconds Rest After the last round, run 800 meters.

Gymnastics Warm-up for Oly Lifting? Check it, with Carl Paoli.