Monday, April 2, 2012


Amplify heads into April, and our 2 year anniversary!

Workout: 1 round in no less than 1.5 hours MEN Smith Machine Bench Press 3x10 Bicep Curls 3x10 Preacher Curls 3x10 Tricep Pull-downs 3x10 Tricep Kickbacks 3x10 Dumbbell Flyes 3x10 Skull Crushers 3x10 Pec Deck  ...a few reps while checking out chest... it's pretty ripped, right? Back to Bicep Curls 1x7or8 Check text messages Concentration Curls 1x5 right arm Check text messages again Spend too much money on a protein smoothie Look at self in mirror for any remaining time, maybe use the mirror to peep on some chicks nearby.

WOMEN Use the elliptical machine for 50 minutes. Walk on treadmill the remainder of time while talking on the phone. AMRAP the phrase "I know, right?"