2013 Paleo Challenge

Results will be posted here shortly following the challenge!

Challenge Began January 14, 2013

Nutrition info provided by Nutrition Coach Megan Debora and Amplify partners Whole9Life.

The Challenge 2013 is here! What are you waiting for??? Let's start the year off right with an Amplify Paleo Challenge!

Kick off Meeting is Thursday, January 10, at 6:30pm. Nutrition guidelines, point system, workout/strength portion and prizes will be discussed at the meeting. Before photos and measurements will be taken that night.

Crossfit Amplify Paleo Challenge January 14 – February 25, 2013

Whether you know it or not, the food you are eating every day is affecting you physically, mentally and emotionally. You are about to take on a Paleo Challenge that will change your life! For the next 6 weeks, you will eliminate all of those foods that were likely causing inflammation in your body (disrupting your sleep, giving you that lethargic feeling, causing aches and pains, affecting your skin, memory and digestion, etc.) By eating quality meat, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts you will be amazed at how your body transforms, while your strength and conditioning in the gym skyrockets. Congratulations to you for taking on this journey!

Megan DeBora – Nutrition Coach megandebora@hotmail.com