Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Strength heavy Tuesday WOD. Check it out.

Announcements: Tuesday night Boxing class is cancelled. Our next Paleo Challenge will start September 16th.
Details available at the informational meeting on Sept. 10. Mark your calendars! Good luck as athletes prep for this Saturday and Sunday at the Barebones CrossFit Garage Games Battle on the Fox!

TUESDAY Strength Power Clean & Jerk [wmv][mov] 20 Minute EMOM: Every odd minute complete 2 Clean & Jerks @75% of 1repmax. Every even minute complete 3 tall Box Jumps.

Conditioning AMRAP in 3 minutes of Burpees Rest 90 seconds AMRAP in 2 minutes of Kettlebell Swings Rest 90 seconds AMRAP in 3 minutes of Burpees

Quick C&J Tips with Natalie B.