Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Wednesday Back Squat work and and a 4 Rounder to sweat through!

REMINDERS Early Morning Schedule: 5:30am class schedule has changed to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. No more Thursday 5:30am.

Murph for Miller: Join the Tri-Cities CrossFit crew for their annual fundraiser on May 23. Details here.

WEDNESDAY Strength Back Squat [mpg] Every 90 seconds for 6 sets complete 5 heavy Back Squats. Attempt to increase weight each set.

Conditioning 4 Rounds For Time: • 8 KB Stationary Reverse Lunges (#70/55) • 8 Power Cleans (#135/95) • Row 16 Calories • Rest 2 minutes

Back Pain? Potential correlation to your Posterior Chain.