Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Midweek Front Squats and more!

Read "THE FITNESS EQUATION" in Words of the Week.

Words of the Week image

ANNOUNCEMENTS AmpFam Summer Events: View all Amp social events HERE.


"Biggest Loser" 5K: Sunday, August 3. $30 in Chicago. Details here.

Supporting Sweet Tea: Amplify members Adrian and Ginger are asking for help with supporting their daughter, who has Apert Syndrome. Their family will continue to face many challenges and medical procedure costs. See more and support their cause HERE.

WEDNESDAY Strength Front Squat [wmv][mov] Every 90 seconds for 5 sets complete 5 Front Squats. Build as you go and eventually find a heavy set of 5.

Conditioning 4 Rounds For Time: • 3 Snatches, Full Squat (#95/65) • 12 Overhead Squats • Run 400 meters

Post Workout Mobility Couch Stretch, 2 minutes per side

Snatch/OHS Mobility