Thursday, August 7, 2014


Pull-up work and a simple 3 Rounder for Thursday!

Make sure to check out our announcements and upcoming events.

Read "THE DEADLIFT" in Words of the Week.

Words of the Week image

ANNOUNCEMENTS AmpFam Summer Events: Friday, August 8 BBQ is almost here!  View all Amplify social events HERE.

Supporting Sweet Tea: Amplify members Adrian and Ginger are asking for help with supporting their daughter, who has Apert Syndrome. Their family will continue to face many challenges and medical procedure costs. We will be doing a one day Amp fundraiser on Monday, August 11-- drop a dollar or two as you enter the gym for your WOD. See more and support their cause HERE.

Jumpropeology Clinic: Sunday, September 21, 9am-12pm.  Spaces are limited! Personal Rx Jump Ropes available for purchase. Efficiently learn to master double unders as well as understand and work the basics of jumping rope all together. Register HERE.

THURSDAY Strength/Skill Work Pull-ups [wmv][mov] 2 Sets Of: • Max Strict Pull-ups • Rest 2 minutes

2 Sets Of: • Max Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups • Rest 2 minutes

Conditioning 3 Rounds For Time: • 20 Hand Release Push-ups • 30 Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) • 50 Double Unders

Pull-up Tips