Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Tuesday Pull-up work and more Conditioning!

ANNOUNCEMENTS Jumpropeology Clinic: Sunday, September 21, 9am-12pm.  Spaces are limited! Personal Rx Jump Ropes available for purchase. Efficiently learn to master double unders as well as understand and work the basics of jumping rope all together. Register HERE.

TUESDAY Skill Work 3x 1 Minute On/1 Minute Off: Max Reps of Strict Pull-ups

2x 1 Minute On/1 Minute Off: Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups

Conditioning 7 Rounds For Time: • 5 Unbroken Power Cleans (#155/105) • 5 Box Jumps (30"/24") • 10 Calorie Row

Pull-up Efficiency Tips