Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Wednesday Morning: Classes will be 5:30 and 9:00am only. Also, this Saturday our class schedule is as usual, 9 and 10am. No other activities will take place.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Jumpropeology Clinic: Sunday, September 21, 9am-12pm.  Spaces are limited! Personal Rx Jump Ropes available for purchase. Efficiently learn to master double unders as well as understand and work the basics of jumping rope all together. Register HERE.

Read PROGRESS: the final Words of the Week article of this summer.

Words of the Week image

WEDNESDAY Strength Back Squat [mpg] Every 90 seconds for 10 sets perform 2 Back Squats. Build over the first 5 sets and stay at one weight over the last 5 sets.

Conditioning 5 Rounds For Time: • 5 Overhead Squats (#95/65) • 10 Toes to Bar • 10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (#35/20) • 30 Double Unders

DB Hang Cleans