Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Push Jerks and some sweet Conditioning for Wednesday!

CrossFit Open Registration is open! Join the 5 weeks of online competition. Register here. This year includes scaled versions of the Open workouts as well as a new Teenage Division for athletes 14-17 years old. 2013-open-logo-blue-1

WEDNESDAY Strength Push Jerk [YouTube] Every 90 seconds perform the following: 12, then 10, then 8, then 6 reps Shoulder to Overhead (#135/95). Goal is to cycle the reps fast but safely and efficiently.

Conditioning 5 Rounds For Time: • 12 Box Jump Overs (24"/20") • 10 Deadlifts (#115/75) • 8 Hang Power Cleans • 6 Shoulder to Overhead

The Push Jerk