Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Back Squat work and a bunch of other stuff to bring in July!

July 4 Holiday Schedule: Cancelled Classes: No Teens Class Thursday. No Friday 6:30pm. No Saturday 10am. No Saturday 8am Bootcamp.

Words of the Week! Read "TOES TO BAR" for this week's focus on form and function.Words of the Week image

Amp White Sox Outing July 19. See all the great perks here! White Sox Amp Outing

Amplify Open August 8-9 Team Competition. Registration is here! 10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_n

WEDNESDAY Strength Back Squat [YouTube] Complete 5 Sets of 3 Reps Tempo Back Squat. Start at 65% of 1repmax and increase each set as long as you maintain correct tempo. Tempo: 1-3-1-1

Conditioning For Time: 18 Calorie Row 18 Deadlifts (#185/135 Rx; #225/155 Rx+; #275/185 CompTeam+) 14 Calorie Row 14 Deadlifts 10 Calorie Row 10 Deadlifts 8 Calorie Row 8 Deadlifts

Post Workout Tabata: V-ups Perform 8 Rounds of 20 seconds “on,” 10 seconds “off.”

Pause Back Squats Our pause will be 3 seconds. Tempo: 1-3-1-1