Tuesday, July 7, 2015

IMG_3294Push Press and more for Tuesday!

Words of the Week! Read "Balance" for this week's focus on work, rest, and life enjoyment.Words of the Week image

Amplify Carnival! This Saturday, 7/11. All types of fun for adults and the kids too! 9am Saturday class will lead into sticking around Amplify for daytime fun. No 10am class for the BBQ. Carnival-photo

Amp White Sox Outing Today is the last day to buy tickets! July 19. See all the great perks here! White Sox Amp Outing

Amplify Open August 8-9 Team Competition. Registration is here! 10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_n

TUESDAY Strength Push Press [YouTube] Take 10 minutes to establish a heavy 2rep Push Press.

Conditioning 4 Cycles Of: AMRAP in 3 Minutes: • 40 Double Unders • 10 Pull-ups (C2B or 5 MU for Rx+) • 10 Deadlifts (#185/135 Rx; #225/155 Rx+)

Rest 1 Minute between Cycles

Post Workout 30 Barbell Rollouts

Overhead Position for the Push Press