Tuesday, August 4, 2015

  Tuesday Skill Work and an Unbroken WOD!

Amplify Open THIS COMING WEEKEND! August 8-9 Team Competition. It's still not too late to register-- spread the word! Registration is here. 10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_n

TUESDAY Skill Work Part 1: Pull-ups [YouTube] Options: Strict Pull-ups: 5 x 6, bands allowed. Kipping Pull-ups: 5 x 6, quality reps. Focus on a clean and smooth kip. Butterfly Pull-ups: 5 x 3, getting familiar with the process. Expect the timing to be off some.

Rest as needed for any of the of the 3 options. Please choose the one that is truly needed based off last week's practice.

Part 2: Handstand Push-ups [YouTube] Options: HSPU Complex: 5 sets of 3 Strict + 5 Kipping. Or HSPU Development Complex: 5 x 20 Second HS Hold with 3-5 Second "Negative" to the Abmat.

Conditioning 6 Rounds For Time, with a 15 Minute Time Cap: • 20 Wall Ball Shots (#20/14) • Run 200 meters

* Focus on going unbroken with the Wall Ball. Challenge yourself mentally not to jump the ball during the 20 reps.

Pull-ups Mechanics