Wednesday, August 19, 2015

IMG_9233.JPGSnatch Work and a nice MetCon for Wednesday!

This Saturday Join us for Coach Michaela's final workout at Amplify! Come to say farewell, thank you, and to wish her luck with her big move.

Words of the Week Read "DEDICATION" for the final entry of the summer!Words of the Week image

Barbells For Boobs September 26, 2015: CrossFit Amplify will be hosting the Barbells For Boobs fundraiser event once again this year. Amplify has been honored with being one of the outreach program stops on Barbells for Boobs Pink Bra Tour for 2015!  INFO HERE. Barbells for Boobs 2011

WEDNESDAY Strength Snatch [YouTube] EMOM for 8 Minutes: 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch If form looks perfect, athletes may add #5-10 from last week.

Conditioning AMRAP in 12 Minutes: • 5 Power Snatch (#115/75) • 10 V-ups • 15 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")

Today's Snatch Complex