Monday Squats, Deadlifts, and Unbroken WOD Fun!
Barbells For Boobs
September 26, 2015: CrossFit Amplify will be hosting the Barbells For Boobs fundraiser event once again this year. Amplify has been honored with being one of the outreach program stops on Barbells for Boobs Pink Bra Tour for 2015! INFO HERE.
MONDAY Strength Back Squat [YouTube] Complete 3 sets of 5 Back Squats. Add #5-10 from last week.
Deadlift [YouTube] Complete 3 sets of 5 Deadlifts. Add #5-10 from last week.
Conditioning 3 Rounds For Time: • 10 Unbroken Hang Squat Cleans (Athletes choose weight) • Rest 10 Seconds • 25 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (#20/14) • Rest 2 Minutes
* If reps are broken at any point, there is a 2 Burpee penalty on the spot before resuming with the remainder of reps.
Deadlift Mistakes to Avoid