Thursday, January 7, 2016

12510616_875355394287_2089670250_oThursday Choice Day and a Partner WOD!

AMPed UP Resolution Challenge Join the Lurong Living plan to get your nutrition on track for 2016! Info here. Screen Shot 2016-01-03 at 9.12.31 PM

Amplify Post-Holiday Party Join us Friday, January 15 for Amplify’s 5th annual Post Holiday Party! Post Holiday Party 2016

THURSDAY Strength/Skill Work Take 15 minutes to work on a weakness of your choice.

Conditioning AMRAP in 18 Minutes: • 28 Box Jumps (24"/20") • 18 Deadlifts (#185/135) • Run 10 Lengths of Turf

Optional CrossFit Open Prep Work on another weakness, barbell or gymnastics skill.

The Deadlift