
Becky B.

Becky B.

"I joined Amplify a little over a year ago, and it was the BEST decision I ever made. The CrossFit community is like no other gym I have ever been too. CrossFit Ampliy is a family. The environment is extremely welcoming and the people are encouraging. The trainers are knowledgeable and helpful. The workouts are varied and always a challenge. If you want to change the way you think about fitness, you should come check out Amplify. I have lost 47 pounds over the year with a lot of grit & determination & so much support it has been amazing. I have gained flexibility, strength, stamina and endurance. NO EXCUSES! Give it a try!!!"

-- Becky B., after completing her one-year CrossFit anniversary workout with a #50 weight vest in 2013

Dan K.

"I sat down this afternoon intending to type out some letter that explained how I got to where I am and what brought me to Amplify. I closed that document, thinking what I wrote sounded stupid. Then I looked at the Amplify website and saw the same thing I saw when I first walked into the box in May:


To make greater or more powerful; increase.

To add or expand, in volume or significance; make complete .

CrossFit Amplify did exactly what I had hoped when I decided to give it a shot. I’m much stronger than I was 3 months ago. I expected that and I knew that would happen. What I didn't expect was the second part.

You can say it means weight on a barbell, or you can say it means you got bigger/slimmer, or anything else that you want. But today, reading that definition it meant only one thing to me:  family.

CrossFit Amplify expanded my family. It gave me a bigger family. My Amplify family makes me feel complete.  In every conditioning I had a helping hand, guiding me and showing me how to do something the right way. In every workout I had someone cheering me on or pushing me to be stronger. There are some workouts I would not have been able to do had it not been for that motivation from my Amplify family.

Amplify will always be home. It will be where my heart is. And above all else it will my Amplify family that I think about when any workout seems too tough.

Thank you all for being a part of one of the best summer’s of my life and for being a continuing inspiration to me in all that I do."

-- Daniel K., August, 2013

Stephanie M.

"I was so impressed by some of my results during the Paleo challenge. My deadlift and back squat each increased by 30 punds in 5 weeks. I shaved almost 3 minutes off one of the conditioning benchmarks as well. I realized that when your eating habits are in sync with your gym habits, you are unstoppable. I had more energy overall and was able to push myself through workouts with fewer breaks. I would like to go back to Paleo again for a longer amount of time.

I would recommend [the Paleo diet] because you are guaranteed to see results if you really commit yourself to eating clean. I still buy better ingredients and cook almost every meal for myself because of the Paleo challenge. You have the choice to make it a temporary or more permanent lifestyle change, but either way you owe it to your body to give it your best effort."

-- Stephanie M., 2011 Paleo Challenge Winner