Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More progress to be made with Press Clusters and AMRAPs galore.

Important Announcements This weekend, Sat & Sun 8/4-8/5, Amplify will need to close in order to allow our trainers to attend a USA Weightlifting cert.  This means NO CLASSES both Saturday and Sunday mornings.  Also, we will be doing a special event at Dick's Sporting Goods in Lombard on Sunday from 1-5pm.  CrossFit Amplify will lead a community workout and info session, in case you would like to come join the fun!  Please stop by, wear your Amplify shirt, and help spread the good word!!

"Olympics" in Words of the Week, by Scott

TUESDAY Strength Press Cluster 5x2 (Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk) [YouTube Demo] Use the same weight as last week.

Conditioning 4 Minute AMRAP: • 10 Kettlebell Push Press (#55/35) • 10 Pull-ups

2 Minute AMRAP of sit-ups

4 Minute AMRAP: • 10 Kettlebell Push Press (#55/35) • 10 Goblet Squats

2 Minute AMRAP of sit-ups

Kettlebell Presses & Jerks with Matt Chan