Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Deadlifts again! And don't forget to check out our No Grains challenge below.


Out With the Grains, In With the Greens Nutrition Challenge, beginning next Monday, May 6

TUESDAY Strength Deadlift [wmv][mov]

Every 45 seconds for 6 sets complete: 5 Deadlifts (#255/175)

Conditioning For Time: Run 150 meters 21 Hand Release Push-ups 21 Toes to Bar 21 Double Unders Run 150 meters 15 HR Push-ups 15 Toes to Bar 15 Double Unders Run 150 meters 9 HR Push-ups 9 Toes to Bar 9 Double Unders Run 150 meters

The Health Lift An old school video... How's their form? )