Thursday, September 12, 2013

Deadlifts and "Nicole" for your Thursday!

Remember our Paleo Challenge info meeting!

Announcements: Our next Paleo Challenge will start September 16th.

Details available at the informational meeting TODAY, THURSDAY THE 12TH.

THURSDAY Strength Deadlift [wmv][mov] 1x5 @75%, 1x3 @80%, 1x1 @85%, 1x5 @80%, 1x3 @85%, 1x1 @90% of 1repmax.

Conditioning "Nicole" AMRAP in 20 Minutes: • Run 400 meters • Max Pull-ups

* Max pull-ups are done unbroken without dropping from bar.  Once you drop, start your next 400m.

Kipping Pull-up Concepts