Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Wednesday Conditioning and Midline Stability work to do!

Read "TIME" in Words of the Week.

Words of the Week image

ANNOUNCEMENTS AmpFam Summer Events: View all Amp BBQs and social events HERE.


"Battle to Breathe" 5K: Sunday, June 22. $30 in Wheaton. Details here.

"Biggest Loser" 5K: Sunday, August 3. $30 in Chicago. Details here.

WEDNESDAY Conditioning 6 Rounds, Max Reps Per Exercise: • 1 Minute of Rowing for Calories • 1 Minute of Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) • 1 Minute of Double Unders • 1 Minute Rest

Partner Post Workout 3 Sets, Not For Time: • Weighted Planks x 1 min • Weighted Hip Extension x 6-8 reps (2 seconds down, 1 second up, 4 second hold at the top)

Hip Extensions for Midline Strength