Monday, February 23, 2015

Extra conditioning work and Front Squats to start the week!

CrossFit Open Starts this week! It's not too late to join the 5 weeks of online competition. Register here. This year includes scaled versions of the Open workouts as well as a new Teenage Division for athletes 14-17 years old. 2013-open-logo-blue-1

Amplify Food Drive February 14 - March 7. Basic info here. AMPLIFY FOOD DRIVE 2015 (1)

MONDAY Conditioning With a 6 Minute Time Cap: 5 Rounds For Time: • 10 Burpees • 25 Double Unders

Strength Front Squat [YouTube} Every 90 seconds for 4 sets complete 10 Front Squats (#155/105). Goal is to coplete the squats fast while demonstrating proper knees and hip extension.

Conditioning 5 Rounds For Time: • 15 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (#20/14) • 10 Toes to Bar

* Substitute 12 V-ups for Toes to Bar. 2 Burpee penalty if you have to break an of the 15 WB shots.

Front Squats