Tuesday, February 24, 2015

(null)Skill work and a fun Partner WOD for Tuesday!

CrossFit Open Starts this Thursday! It's not too late to join the 5 weeks of online competition. Register here. This year includes scaled versions of the Open workouts as well as a new Teenage Division for athletes 14-17 years old. 2013-open-logo-blue-1

Amplify Food Drive February 14 - March 7. Basic info here. AMPLIFY FOOD DRIVE 2015 (1)

TUESDAY Skill Work Take 10-15 minutes to work technique: • Pull-ups (Strict, Kipping, Butterfly, Chest to Bar) • Handstands (Holds, Strict, HSPU Kipping) • Pistols • Muscle-ups

Partner Conditioning 10 Rounds For Time: • 12 Hang Power Cleans & Jerks (#115/75) • 9 Thrusters • 6 Power Snatches

* One partner completes a round at a time.

Rest 5 Minutes

60 Chest to Bars Pull-ups for time

* Partners alternate every 5 reps.

Chest to Bar Pull-up Progression