Monday, April 13, 2015

 Squats and work to do for Monday!

Amplify 5 Year Anniversary Party Join us this Saturday, April 18 for a 10am big group workout, and then at 7:30pm the same night at Mullen's to celebrate Amplify turning FIVE!


MONDAY Strength Back Squat [YouTube] Complete 5 sets of 5 Back Squats. Start at 75% of 1repmax and increase over the 5 sets.

Conditioning For Time: Sprint 10 Turf Widths 50 Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) 20 Goblet Squats (#55/35) Sprint 10 Turf Widths 30 Kettlebell Swings 20 Goblet Squats Sprint 10 Turf Widths 20 Kettlebell Swings 20 Goblet Squats Sprint 10 Turf Widths

Tight Ankles? Bad Squatting.