21 Day Sugar Detox


21 Day Sugar Detox

Are you in need of a Sugar Smackdown heading into summer?

Eliminating certain sugars will help in knowing how much unneeded sugars are in your daily foods. If you are looking to get your sweet tooth under control, get lean, or simple get back on track, then join us Wednesday, May 27 - Thursday, June 16!

Informational meetings will be Friday, May 22 at 5:45pm, Sunday, May 24 at 10am, and Monday, May 25 (if needed). other wise email Craig or Lauren B at amplifynutrition@gmail.com.

See more details in the Amplify Nutrition Forum on Facebook. If needed, find Lauren B. or Craig M. or email amplifynutrition@gmail.com. Ask to be added to the Forum group and for help getting set up!