Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday brings lots of work! Be ready!

Words of the Week! Read "TOES TO BAR" for this week's focus on form and function.Words of the Week image

Amp White Sox Outing July 19. See all the great perks here! White Sox Amp Outing

Amplify Open August 8-9 Team Competition. Registration is here! 10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_n

MONDAY Strength EMOM for 10 Minutes: • Odd: 1x 3-Position Squat Clean. (~75% of 1repmax. Stay at one weight across all sets.) • Even: 30 Second Hanging L-sit

Conditioning Part 1 AMRAP in 8 Minutes: 3 Power Cleans (#135/95 Rx; #165/115 Rx+) 10 Pull-ups (10 C2B or 5 Muscle-ups for Rx+) 6 Power Cleans 10 Pull-ups 9 Power Cleans 10 Pull-ups And so on...

Part 2 Every 2 minutes for 4 rounds Run 200 meters.

Running Tips, with Brian MacKenzie