Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Push Press and a 4 Rounder for Tuesday!

This Sunday we are closed for our annual Amp White Sox Outing! No Sunday 10am class. White Sox Amp Outing

Words of the Week! Read "THE FRONT SQUAT" for this week's focus on form and function.Words of the Week image

TUESDAY Strength Push Press [YouTube] Take 10 minutes to establish a heavy 2rep Push Press.

Conditioning 4 Rounds For Total Time: • 20 Wall Ball Shots (#20/14) • 50 Double Unders • 10 Push Jerks (#115/75 Rx; #135/95 Rx+)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

* The goal is to complete all reps unbroken.

Post Workout Tabata: Superman for Quality Reps. Perform 8 Rounds of 20 seconds “on,” 10 seconds “off.”

Push Press Tips