Wednesday, July 15, 2015

11741772_842745779217_1056824712_nBack Squats and body weight Conditioning for Wednesday!

This Sunday we are closed for our annual Amp White Sox Outing! No Sunday 10am class. White Sox Amp Outing

Words of the Week! Read "THE FRONT SQUAT" for this week's focus on form and function.Words of the Week image

WEDNESDAY Strength Back Squat [YouTube] Complete 5 Sets of 2 Reps Tempo Back Squat. Start at 65% of 1repmax and increase each set as long as you maintain correct tempo. Tempo: 3-3-1-1

Conditioning For Time: Run 1200 meters 100 Walking Lunges 80 Sit-ups 60 Push-ups 40 Pull-ups

Post Workout Hanging L-sit Holds Complete 3 sets of 20 seconds

Back Squat Shoulder Position/Mobility