Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday Gymnastics Work and more!

Amplify Open August 8-9 Team Competition. It's not too late to register-- spread the word! Registration is here. 10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_n

TUESDAY Gymnastics Strength Pull-ups [YouTube] Chin to Bar: Kipping, Butterfly, Strict

Handstands [YouTube] Handstand Push-ups: Strict & Kipping Handstand Holds & Negatives

* Tuesday's session will be a test to see which movement you’ll be working on throughout this cycle.

Conditioning For Time: 500m Row 20 Power Cleans (#135/95) 25 Box Jump Overs (24"/20") 20 Pull Ups 50 Wall Ball Shots (#20/14) 20 Pull Ups 25 Box Jump Overs 20 Power Cleans

Pull-up Tips