Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday Gymnastics Work and a Partner WOD!

REMINDER: Tonight's 7:30pm class is for LADIES ONLY! Enjoy a workout, wine, and a lululemon trunk show!

Words of the Week Read "MUSCLE-UPS" for this week's look at form and function.Words of the Week image

Barbells For Boobs September 26, 2015: CrossFit Amplify will be hosting the Barbells For Boobs fundraiser event once again this year. Amplify has been honored with being one of the outreach program stops on Barbells for Boobs Pink Bra Tour for 2015!  INFO HERE. Barbells for Boobs 2011

THURSDAY Skill Work Part 1: Toes to Bar Options: A. Toes to Bar: 5 x 6 reps. Choose this if your kipping rhythm stays consistent with your T2B. These don’t need to be unbroken. You can make these singles and doubles if needed, as long as your hips reach behind the bar while you perform T2B.

B. Core Complex: 5 x 6 V-ups + 6 Kipping Knees to Chest + 15 Second Hanging L-Sit Choose this complex if you can’t perform proper Toes to Bar.

Part 2: Pistols Options: A. Alternating Pistols: 5 x 6 reps.

B. Pistol Development Complex: 5 x 4 reps Alternating Candlestick to Pistol attempts + 4 Alternating Box Sit Pistols (12" Box).

Partner Conditioning 5 Cycles Of: AMRAP in 3 Minutes: • 30 Double Unders • 12 Ball Slams • 12 Airdyne Calories

1 minute rest between cycles.

Alternate exercises. Switch who starts the Double Unders each round.

Roll to Pistol Progression