Tuesday, July 26, 2022

1a: Bulgarian Split Squat
3 sets of 8 DB Bulgarian Split Squats.
Choose weight.

Superset with Strict Chest to bar pull ups

1b: Strict Pull-Ups
3 sets of 8 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Superset with Ring Rows

1c: Ring Rows
3 sets of 8 Ring Rows

Superset with GHD Sit Ups

1d: GHD Sit-Ups
3 sets of 8 GHD Sit Ups

2: Metcon (9 Rounds for Calories)
9 rounds of
In 1 minute complete
2 Man Makers (35/25,Rx+50/35)
Max Bike Cals
1 minute Rest between rounds