Thursday, June 13, 2013


We have started a new strength progression with ability options for the weekly conditioning WODs.Check it out below.

THURSDAY Strength Snatch [wmv][mov] Take 15 minutes to establish a heavy 1rep Snatch.

Condtioning A. 10 Minute AMRAP Ladder: • 4 Power Snatch (#95/65) • 4 Toes to Bar

Reps go up by 4

B. 10 Minute AMRAP Ladder: • 4 Power Snatch (#115/75) • 4 Toes to Bar

Reps go up by 4

C. 8 Minute AMRAP Ladder: • 3 Snatch (#135/95) • 6 Toes to Bar

Reps go up by 3

Dissecting a Snatch Lift, with Chad V.