Amplify Open

10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_nAugust 8-9, 2015

We are proud to announce the Third Annual Amplify Open!

This is a 3 Person Team Competition, Saturday & Sunday, August 8-9, 2015. Teams will consist of 3 Athletes: 2 Males and 1 Female. All teams will complete all 6 workouts, 3 per day.

Cost: $300 per Rx Team, $300 per Scaled Team, $180 per Masters Team. In addition, Evenbrite has processing/service fees. To help, Amplify and registrants are splitting those fees.

Division Limits: 30 Rx Teams, 30 Scaled Teams, 15 Masters Teams. Masters = age 40 and over Early Registration Deadline is June 25. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Cash prizes will be awarded to each division. In the spirit of competition, respect the CrossFit community and please sign up for the proper division according to your skill level.

Check the Facebook Event Page for up to date information regarding workouts and other weekend information.

Have questions about Amplify Open 2015? Contact CrossFit Amplify


– Doors will open at 8am on Saturday and Sunday. – First event will begin at roughly 9am on both Saturday and Sunday. – There will be no spectator fee for this event. All are welcome. – Look for event parking across the street from Amplify. – Team camps and athlete areas will be set up outside. Please bring chairs, tents, and any other items as desired. In the result of inclement weather, other plans will be made on that day. – An athlete warm-up area will be designated inside the facility.


– Division order for both days: Team Scaled, Team Masters, Team Rx. – Heats will run one after another to keep the flow going throughout each day. For this reason, specific heat times are not listed. – Check the workout descriptions/time caps to have an approximate time of when your team will be competing. – Approximate event times for both Saturday & Sunday: Event 1 & 4: ~9:00am-11:30am Event 2 & 5: 12pm-2pm Event 3 & 6: 2:30pm-4pm

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Workout 1 “Team DT” For time, with a 16-minute time cap. For every rep not completed by a team, 1 second will be added to their final time.

Each athlete must complete the following: 40 Double Unders (Rx); 80 Single Unders (Scaled & Masters) Then 3 Rounds Of “DT”: • 12 Deadlifts • 9 Hang Power Cleans • 6 Shoulder to Overhead

Teams must choose from the following barbell weight and complete in ascending order: Rx: #155/105, #165/115, #185/135 Scaled & Masters: #95/65, #115/75, #135/95

Once a weight category has been used, it may not be used again. Athletes will work one at a time. Teams will determine their own order. A handclap between teammates will begin each new athlete’s turn. Each new athlete must complete their 40 Double Unders (80 Singles) before their 3 rounds of “DT,” and must also change any weight on the barbell. A separate women’s bar will be ready before the workout. It is best to provide your own jumpropes for this event. Extras will be available upon request at Amplify.

WOD 1 Movements Standards: Double Under = two rope revolutions per jump. Deadlift = shoulders behind the bar at the top of the lift. Hang Power Clean = establish a hang position anywhere above the knee, elbows in front of bar with body fully extended at the top. S2OH = Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, or Split Jerk. Feet under body with lock out and body fully extended at the top.


Workout 2 “Team Relay” For time, with a 16-minute time cap. For every calorie rep not completed by a team, 1 second will be added to their final time.

The team must complete the following: 1800m Relay Run (Rx & Scaled); 1200m Relay Run (Masters) 1500m Relay Row (Rx & Scaled); 1200m Relay Row (Masters) 120 Relay Airdyne Calories (Rx & Scaled); 90 Relay Calories (Masters)

Athletes will relay run every 200m, relay row every 500m (400m for Masters), and relay bike every 20 calories (15cals for Masters).

Athletes will work one at a time. Teams will determine their own order. A handclap between teammates will begin each new athlete’s turn.

This event will take place outside, with the run portion a straight forward 100m turn around on grass. Rowers and Airdynes will be outside for use after the run. Shoe style is at the discretion of the athletes; shoes may be changed during the event as desired.


Workout 3 “Team Snatch” AMRAP in 8 Minutes.

Teams must complete the following in one round increments: • 3 Muscle-ups (Rx); 6 Pull-ups (Scaled & Masters) • 3 Snatches, Power or Full (#155/105 Rx); 6 Snatches, Power or Full (Scaled & Masters)

Rx: #155/105 Scaled & Masters: #105/65

Athletes will work one at a time and switch after one full round. Teams will determine their own order. A handclap between teammates will begin each new athlete’s turn. If an athlete fails a Muscle-up or Pull-up that rep will not count towards the team's total score. Reattempts are allowed. However, a 10 Burpee “buy-out” penalty from the Muscle-ups/Pull-ups can be performed if any reps are failed and the athlete would like to move on to the Snatches. No matter how many successful MUs/Pus have been completed, the 10 Burpee buy-out number remains the same. The Burpee buy-out can also performed at any time an athlete chooses before any MU/PU attempts, which will take the place of those reps entirely. No scored reps will be awarded to the team for the 10 Burpees, but that teammate may then move on to the Snatches. There is no penalty or buy-out for missed snatches. Athletes must complete all Snatch reps before a teammate can be tagged in.

WOD 3 Movement Standards: Muscle-up = elbows extended at bottom of pull, elbows extended at top of dip. Kipping allowed. Pull-up = elbows extended at bottom of pull, chin clears height of bar at top. Kipping allowed. Snatch = Power catch or squat catch. Bar starts on floor each rep and passes overhead with no pause at the shoulders. Feet under body with lock out and body fully extended at the top. No Hang Snatches will be allowed.


Workout 4 “Team Pyramid” For time, with a 12-minute time cap (Rx); with a 10-minute time cap (Scaled & Masters). For every rep not completed by a team, 1 second will be added to their final time.

Rx 20 Synchronized Alternating Dead Kettlebell Snatch (#55; 10 per arm) – Both Male Athletes 30 Alternating Pistols (15 per leg) – Female Athlete 40 Synchronized Toes to Bar – Both Male Athletes 50 Double Unders by all athletes, one person working at a time 40 Toes to Bar – Female Athlete 30 Synchronized Alternating Pistols (15 per leg) – Both Male Athletes 20 Alternating Dead Kettlebell Snatch (#35; 10 per arm) – Female Athlete

Scaled & Masters 20 Synchronized Alternating Dead Kettlebell Snatch (#35; 10 per arm) – Both Male Athletes 30 Alternating Stationary Kettlebell Lunges (#25; 15 per leg) – Female Athlete 40 Synchronized Hanging Knee Raises – Both Male Athletes 100 Single Unders by all athletes, one person working at a time 40 Hanging Knee Raises – Female Athlete 30 Synchronized Alternating Stationary Kettlebell Lunges (#35; 15 per leg) – Both Male Athletes 20 Alternating Dead Kettlebell Snatch (#25; 10 per arm) – Female Athlete

A handclap between male and female teammates will begin each new sequence.

WOD 4 Movement Standards: KB Snatch = dead start from the ground, feet under body with one arm lock out and body fully extended at the top. Men must be locked out simultaneously. Failed reps must be completed on that side of body before moving to other arm. Pistol = one-legged squat, foot in front of body, hip crease below top of knee at bottom, stand up with control and full lock out of hips at top. Opposite foot and hands may not touch the ground at any time. Holding the opposite foot is allowed. Men must initiate each new squat together. Failed reps must be completed on that side of body before moving to other leg. Toes to Bar = elbows extended at bottom with hips open and feet behind bar, both feet touch the bar between the hands at top. Men must touch the bar simultaneously. Kipping allowed. Double Under = two rope revolutions per jump. KB Lunges = kettlebell at chest in a goblet hold, one -egged stationary lunge forward to back knee touching the ground, push backwards to standing. Men must initiate each new lunge together. Failed reps must be completed on that side of body before moving to other leg. Hanging Knee Raises = elbows extended at bottom with hips open and feet behind bar, both knees raise higher than hip crease at top. Men must break hip line simultaneously. Kipping allowed.


Workout 5 “Team Carry” AMRAP in 12 Minutes.

The team must complete the following: 75 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs 400m Partner Carry + Sandbag Carry With any time remaining, AMRAP Wall Ball Shots

Rx: #70 Sandbag; #30/20 Medicine Ball to 10ft/9ft target. Scaled & Masters: #70 Sandbag; #20/14 Medicine Ball to 10ft/9ft target.

The Partner/Sandbag Carry will take place outside on a blacktop 400m loop. Other movements will be completed indoors. Burpee Box Jump Overs must be competed 5 reps at a time, order determined by the team. Lateral start, two-foot jump for Rx teams. Jump can be sideways or facing the box. Step down is allowed. Step-ups are allowed for Scaled & Masters. Upon completion of the Box Jump portion, teammates will decide how to execute their Partner/Sandbag Carry; one athlete must carry another athlete the entire 400m, while the third athlete carries a loaded sandbag (#70). Carries can be performed anyhow. Again, there is no switching during the 400 meters. If teams complete the Partner/Sandbag Carry, with any time remaining they will AMRAP Wall Ball Shots. This begins with the athlete who was carried; he/she must complete 25 Wall Ball reps before the team can then rotate in sets of 10 reps. If any teams do not complete the Carry portion, the tie-breaker for this workout is the time of completion for the 75 Burpee Box Jump Overs.

WOD 5 Movement Standards: Burpee Box Jump Over = chest and thighs touch the ground, both feet touch top of box. No hip extension needed at top. Lateral start, sideways or forward facing jump/step-up allowed. Wall Ball Shots = full squat with hip crease below top of knee at bottom, ball touches part of target line. If dropped and upon pick up from ground, hips must fully open.


Workout 6 "Team Crusher" AMRAP in 10 Minutes.

The team must complete the following: 21-15-9 Reps Of: • Thrusters (#135/95 Rx; #105/65 Scaled & Masters) • Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Rx); Chin to Bar Pull-ups (Scaled & Masters) • Deficit Handstand Push-ups (Rx); Alternating Plyo Push-ups (Scaled & Masters) Team AMRAP of the set of 9’s.

Athletes will work one at a time. Teams will determine their own order. Athletes must perform all 3 movements at some point. For instance, once an athlete completes a set of 21, they cannot perform that movement again. If teams complete the set of 9’s, with any time remaining they will AMRAP the set of 9 at the same exercise movement and in the same order. For instance, if an athlete ended with 9 Thrusters, they would then stay on that exercise. Deficit HSPU for Rx will be set at two #45 bumper plates to an AbMat for men, one #45 bumper plate to an AbMat for women.

WOD 6 Movement Standards: Thruster = full squat with hip crease below top of knee at bottom, feet under body with barbell locked out overhead and body fully extended at the top. Pull-up = elbows extended at bottom of pull, chest touches bar (Rx) chin clears height of bar (Scaled/Masters) at top. Kipping allowed. Handstand Push-up = elbows extended at start of each rep and the top of handstand, head touches AbMat at bottom, heels must touch the wall at top while elbows are extended. Kipping allowed. Plyo Push-up = one hand on a slam ball. Feet on ground, elbows extended at the top of a push-up position. Chest will touch ground, then elbows extend at top. The next rep will then take place on the other side with the opposite hand on the ball. Movement can be plyometric in nature with a push off, or hands can walk across on the ground to the other side.

21 Day Sugar Detox


21 Day Sugar Detox

Are you in need of a Sugar Smackdown heading into summer?

Eliminating certain sugars will help in knowing how much unneeded sugars are in your daily foods. If you are looking to get your sweet tooth under control, get lean, or simple get back on track, then join us Wednesday, May 27 - Thursday, June 16!

Informational meetings will be Friday, May 22 at 5:45pm, Sunday, May 24 at 10am, and Monday, May 25 (if needed). other wise email Craig or Lauren B at

See more details in the Amplify Nutrition Forum on Facebook. If needed, find Lauren B. or Craig M. or email Ask to be added to the Forum group and for help getting set up!

Running for Hope


Sunday, June 4

IMG_7061Running for Hope Scott & Sarah run a 5k in Oak Lawn each year that serves as a fundraiser and a celebration of life for children that go through Hope Children’s Hospital.  It’s called Running for Hope and this year is on Sunday, June 4.

If anyone would like to travel to Oak Lawn that morning to run with Sarah & Scott in honor of his son Kyle, just register and come on down!  Race day registration is available.

And be sure to let us know if you will be joining us!!!

Scott's Hospital Workout for Kyle, April 2011 [YouTube]

Kyle's Story, From the American Heart Association, 2012:

Fundraisers such as those that the American Heart Association organizes have a benefit of increased knowledge and awareness that as a Health teacher and fitness coach I obviously believe to be valuable. But for me, this issue also hits a lot closer to home.

My son, Kyle, was born on a lucky day – St. Patrick's Day of 2009 at Hinsdale Hospital in Illinois. I believe that despite all Kyle has gone through in his short life, good luck has truly followed him since his birth. Kyle is a happy and tough kid who also has a very special heart.

Before birth, at an ultrasound, Kyle was diagnosed with a heart defect called Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV). He also had a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). His aorta and pulmonary arteries did not form in the correct place. Although it was very difficult to find out about his heart condition, I am thankful that I found out when I did, to gain understanding of the defect, find excellent doctors for him, and to become as mentally prepared as I could.

When Kyle was born, he was a healthy 8 pounds 4 ounces, so my hopes were high that he would not require too much immediate medical attention. Unfortunately, when his cardiologist examined him shortly after his birth, it was apparent that Kyle was not receiving enough oxygen. I got to hold my son for just a few minutes, and then Kyle took his first ambulance ride to Christ Medical Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. He spent his first 10 days of life there and had a procedure called a balloon atrial septostomy to allow more oxygen uptake. He was able to come home without additional oxygen support, and he was eating well.

Kyle was home for three weeks before he took his second ambulance ride to Hope Children's Hospital in Oak Lawn after a routine visit to the cardiologist. This was due to oxygen levels in the 60th percentile. (Normal functioning hearts utilize 98-99% of the oxygen taken in to the body. Kyle’s number was dropping to dangerous levels.)  The team of doctors there, led by Dr. Ilbawi, performed a BT shunt on him to increase his oxygen levels. Being as tough as he is, Kyle was only in recovery for three days.

At six months, Kyle had a planned open heart surgery called the Glenn procedure, which attached his superior vena cava to his pulmonary artery. Although it was scary as a parent to know he was going through open heart surgery again, everything went very well, and he was discharged after only five days. He was on daily medication and saw his cardiologist once every 3 months. Kyle's oxygen levels were in the low 80's.

In April of 2010, Kyle received the last of the 3-staged open heart surgeries called the Fontan procedure; he was 2 years old.

Kyle’s oxygen levels are now 90% and above, and besides taking daily medication and having the scars to prove his surgeries, he’s is an extremely happy, active, healthy toddler. All he wants to do is keep up with his sister, Alayna!

He may have limitations with his single ventricle heart as he grows, but I am confident that Kyle will lead a "normal" life full of happiness. Although I know there may be ups and downs in the future, I consider myself, my family, and Kyle very lucky.

And of course, St. Patrick's Day is an appropriate birthday for Kyle!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

MR. T April Fool!April Fools!Read "Five Weeks & Five Years" as a CrossFit Open reflection and thoughts on Amplify's 5-year anniversary.

REAL WEDNESDAY WOD Strength 1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean Use this as technique practice.

Conditioning 3 Rounds Of: • Run 400 meters • 15 Shoulder to Overhead (#115/75 Rx; #135/95 Rx+) • 10 Front Squats

Hang Cleans, Explained

Amplify's CrossFit Open Leaderboard

i99Fit Gymnastics Clinic


February 28 and March 1

i99 Fit is coming to the Chicago area!

CrossFit Amplify is hosting a series of  clinics the weekend of February 28th! Don't miss your chance to work on gymnastics movement and efficiency or get that elusive muscle-up on bars or rings. You can select a clinic below to get an overview of the content we will be covering.

Please choose the clinic that best fits your ability level and get ready to GET i99 FIT! Pre-Registration is required so sign up today.


2015 Paleo Challenge



"New Year, New You" Paleo Challenge

Starting Monday, January 14, with several parts to keep you honest and to meet your goals.

This will follow a Whole 30 and Paleo approach with a little Amp style. We will tackle the basics of healthy eating to help reach your goal of weight loss, performance, better skin and appearance, mastering preparation, etc.

Information meetings:

  • January 8 at both 10am and 5:30pm
  • January 12 at 6:30pm

Look for the sign up sheet on the white board at the gym. PLEASE sign up for one of these dates and times; if there is no one signed up for a time, a meeting will not be held. 

You have 35 days to commit to get back on track, get ready for The CrossFit Open, and of course set yourself up for a great 2015!

See more details in the Amplify Nutrition Forum on Facebook.  If needed, find Lauren B. and ask to be added to the Forum group and for help getting set up.

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Post Holiday Party 2015

Post Holiday Party

January 10, 2015

Join us at 7:30pm at Mullen's in Lisle for our post-holiday get together!

Once everything calms down after the holidays, in true fashion we will host it's 4th annual Post Holiday Party!

Saturday morning we will host our normal classes in the morning; join us at 9 or 10am. Then we'll hang out at Mullen's in Lisle from 7:30pm onward.

See the Facebook event page here. Don't miss out!

Amplify's 12 Days of Christmas

Amplify's "12 Days of Fitness" Each day leading up to Christmas we will post a 1 minute exercise challenge on our Facebook Page, to be completed for fun either at the gym or at home.  Post scores to comments on the daily Facebook post. Each challenge will be max reps in 1 minute.  Don't worry, it won't work like the song-- only ONE exercise per day.  Great for a "cash out" post-wod, or else at the house or on your own at any time throughout the day.
Amplify Holiday Hours Wednesday, December 24: 10am only Thursday, December 25: Closed Friday, December 26: 10am only Wednesday, December 31: 10am only Thursday, January 1: Closed
AND! Mark your calendars for the Amplify Post-Holiday Party on Saturday, January 10!!! Details to come. Fun for all. Booze for some.

Lululemon "Bros & Brews"


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Come join Scott on Thursday the 23rd at Lululemon Athletica in Naperville for an in-store event!

We'll hit a CrossFit workout at 7pm and hang out afterwards. Geared towards men, but open to both men and women. Prize giveaway included!

On hand will be Two Brothers Brewing Company and Lou Malnati's Pizzeria - Downtown Naperville.


Come support CrossFit Amplify and spread the Amp love!